Healing from Within

Using minimal touch, a practitioner makes gentle, precise, moves over tendons, muscles and nerve bundles. The moves create a resetting of the body’s various systems for the purpose of bringing the body into balance, thereby promoting healing and well-being. The body can use the energetic signals facilitated during a session to elicit deep, healing responses within the body on many different levels – mind, body and spirit.

Bowenwork Academy USA is honored and privileged to be the only organization that is recognized by the Bowen Academy of Australia to teach and certify Professional Bowenwork Practitioners in the U.S.A. We are excited to offer classes in this remarkably effective modality. Since classes began in 1986, over 20,000 practitioners in more than 31 countries have joined the international Bowenwork family.

Why has such growth occurred?

1. The work is gentle on both client and practitioner. It is so gentle that anyone can safely receive a session, even if they can not receive other body therapies.

2. Bowenwork can be performed in many settings, with no special equipment, lotions, or oils needed. The moves can be performed over clothing.

3. Bowenwork is remarkably effective. Even new students see exciting results as they practice the technique after their first class.

4. The technical competency and high-level professional knowledge of each practitioner is maintained by a world-wide network of instructors.

Every practitioner accredited by the Bowenwork Academy USA receives thorough training in the technique, plus extensive, ongoing continuing education.